
Welcome to the home of the QAPI Gurus, Michael Bayer and Greg Efta.

We provide a cost effective, self sustaining process for skilled nursing facilities to comply with Section 6102(c) of the Affordable Care Act. The act mandates facilities to prepare and implement a Quality Assurance Performance Improvement (QAPI) program.

Developed by a certified LEAN for Healthcare Black Belt, QAPI.GURU offers you an ongoing, comprehensive, self sustaining QAPI process that complies with federal regulations and fulfils the requirements outlined QAPI Self Assessment Tool. The process is flexible, allowing you to track key benchmarks that have been established by the Administrator or corporate head office.

Our process involves everyone your facility, from the board to front line staff. Working with you, we reaffirm your strategic goals and in a four step process, tie unit performance directly to those goals. We teach you to implement a daily quality management system that is maintained by front line staff and reviewed by management. Additionally, On a daily basis QAPI team members measure compliance in clinical care, quality of life, resident choice, management practices and facility standards and take immediate action to correct any deficiencies.

Show residents, patients, consumers, families and caregivers the quality of care you provide to their loved ones. Call us today.