Aranui 5 Day 1 Boarding the Ship

We had our last breakfast at the hotel before departing for the ship. We had croissants and coffee on our deck in our PJs. We were on ground level. Barb told me to close the sliding glass door to keep the room cool. I gave it a shove. I no sooner said, “You need to be careful. If you close it all the way, it can lock you out.” when we heard the click of the door locking. And no, we didn’t have a key. In my PJs, we’ll,at least the bottoms, I went to the restaurant to find help. I got a lot of strange looks, a few people were laughing at me. Note to self: take the new PJs you got for Christmas on the trip not the. “Comfortable “ ones. Forget about a picture! I did learn how to defeat the locking bar that only allows you to open the door a few inches. This showed me that the safety device is almost worthless.

We took a taxi to the dock. We took a taxi to the dock. Boarding was quick (10 minutes), friendly and efficient. Our room is beautiful. 

We unpacked and headed to the pool deck for a welcome drink and Marquesan show. We were introduced to each of the 86 crew on board to serve the 130 passengers.

They put on a Polynesian welcoming show for us.

Barb with two performers.

Maybe I need to get a tattoo?
I too made a few new friends.

We set sail at noon to start our adventure.

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